Our values and behaviours

We deliver our vValues through the behaviours we display and the way we work, individually, with each other, together, every day.

Our ambition is to have thriving people and healthy communities.

Building on our pride of being a rural District General Hospital that is part of the established local health and care system, we want to progress being at the forefront of service delivery, developing, innovating and transforming the services we provide to our community in pursuit of high quality patient centred care.

Overall we want our people to thrive in providing great services and care, ultimately leading to healthy communities. By approaching our work in this way, this is how we shall ensure we provide the best service possible for our population.


Providing personalised, safe, high quality care and experience

We will:

  • continue to build on our current approach to embedding a safety culture, with systems that support the provision of reliable, high quality care
  • be led by our values and behaviours in continually improving the services we provide
  • develop more personalised care as part of our integrated acute and community offer, focussed on self-care and prevention so care is provided in the right place at the right time
  • value and act on feedback we receive from patients, families, staff, our communities and stakeholders, making a difference to the overall experience.
Supporting our people

to thrive and flourish in all that we do

Our level of ambition People

We will:

  • demonstrate that we value our people by promoting a positive culture and working environment that allows everyone to thrive and flourish
  • work towards having enough people to provide great services and care and endeavour to address any material gaps through recruitment
  • have people who want to work for us because of our positive reputation and who are reflective of our population
  • make sure our people have the right skills and resources to develop and be able to succeed.
Services that are progressing

through continuous improvement, innovation and development

Our level of ambition

We will:

  • be bold in creating new ways of working, helping to make our service development ambitions a reality
  • our progressive approach should evolve so we move towards being pioneering
  • continue to invest in digitally enabling our people and population in the care we provide
  • ensure we deliver the most efficient use of the resources we have available.
Working in partnership

with others, delivering transformation and future sustainability

Our level of ambition Partnership

We will:

  • work with a variety of partners to deliver the best care for our population, integrated around patient needs
  • allow practice to develop across boundaries and to shared objectives
  • ensure our future sustainability as a District General Hospital for our health and care community.
Meeting the populations' needs

Involving and engaging our communities in providing health care

Our level of ambition

We will:

  • actively engage with our communities to understand their personalised needs around care, health and wellbeing
  • make the most of every patient visit, provided in the right place at the right time
  • transform our estate, with a commitment to meeting our environmental sustainability requirement by continually reducing waste and carbon emissions.
Our aims are:
  • To be patient centred
  • Supporting our people to thrive and flourish
  • With services that are progressive
  • Working in partnership with others
  • Meeting our populations’ needs

Our Values

Our 3000+ staff and 350 committed volunteers all work to our values and behaviours. Our values are about; compassion, improving lives, a commitment to quality of care and working together for patients. We want to make these part of our DNA.

We understand that it’s down to the hard work, effort and dedication of our staff that makes a difference for our patients. Our people really do make our Airedale experience – we take pride in fostering a friendly, effective and caring work environment.

We deliver our values through the behaviours we display and the way we work, individually, with each other, together, every day.

We all need to take responsibility for delivering safe, high quality patient care and experience.

The values and behaviours were developed previously with staff across the Trust and describe what we all need to demonstrate and develop in our practice.