Our Strategy 2020-2025

We are ambitious for the future; not only in our reputation for innovation and agility, but also the long-term sustainability of our services with an estate that is fit for purpose.

The Board developed its strategy for 2020-2025 – Thriving people, healthy communities – with five key aims:

  • Patient-centred – providing safe, high-quality care and experience
  • Supporting our people to thrive and flourish
  • Progressing our services through continuous improvement, innovation and development
  • Meeting our populations’ needs, involving and engaging our communities in providing health care
  • Working in partnership with others, supporting transformation and future sustainability

We are proud of being rural district general hospital and community trust that is an anchor institution at the heart of our community.  We want to be at the forefront of service delivery; developing, innovating and transforming the services we provide to our community to ensure high-quality patient-centred care.  We also want our people to thrive personally and professionally, to enable them to provide the best care possible.

We are ambitious for the future; not only in our reputation for innovation and agility, but also the long-term sustainability of our services with an estate that is fit for purpose.  In May 2023 it was announced that Airedale would be joining the government’s New Hospital Programme, which will see a new, state-of-the-art, environmentally sustainable hospital constructed by 2030.

This is part of our ‘Securing the Future’ strategy to provide the best possible care for our communities, now and for future generations. As part of this, during 2023-24 we embarked on the development of our five-year clinical strategy which will set the vision and direction for our hospital and community services as we prepare for our new facility.

 We are currently in a process of finalising our new strategy. Please let us know if you would like to view it ahead of your interview.